Construction business performance measurement (BPM) is narrow-minded, most often being project-specific, profit-orientated, and neglect broader “stakeholder” issue. If production organizations are to stay aggressive in the longer period, they require expanding and better understanding their relations with their clients, suppliers, workers, lenders and the wider population. Hence, routine measurement must clinch this broader business personality. The need for a transfer in “orthodox” (BPM) beliefs from “basic” performance capacity, to an another “stakeholder perspective measurement” (SPM), is underline. SPM will effectively believe associations with clients, suppliers, workers, financiers, and the vast community; all being vital for a business’s long-term capability. The paper goes on to promoter that building organizations should refuse this narrow-minded deliberate idea, and better believe the benefit of their stakeholders, both cost-effectively and ethically. The concluding calls for growth of a serious stakeholder point of view to business performance capacity, so that building organizations can be monitor and judge in a generally suitable style. Idea of this learning is to explain the development process of editorial 26 of the building Business rule: System of Chief Engineer for creation. Conclusion of this learn is as follows:
1. Sixteen prefectures are famous having regulation to manage contractors previous to WWII. Osaka was the first county which had it enact 1895, but in many other prefectures, it was mostly after the metropolitan construction Law, enact 1920.
2. Some in both civilians and officials of Building management needed performance of the organization of construction engineer, but it was not.
3. Nature of the system was uncertainly integrated in the scheme of Kenchikushi in the draft of the construction Law by the War Damage rebuilding institution 1947.
4. Organization of Chief Engineer for building in the Construction commerce Law, enact 1949, was probable to be improved through inspection work of the character of the organization of Kenchikushi in the Kenchikushi Law for architect & construction Engineers.
5. Lastly, it was determined to divide the organization of building engineer from the structure of Kenchikushi. These two systems have been independently urban.