The management in every company is there to manage the things and happenings in the company. He has to manage more than one employees’ team with great accessibility. This also gives the intervening results which has quite a positive approach towards the management. The construction management is the one which manages the matters of the company’s finance and marketing and Human Resourcing. This shows that through this act, they can have a better result to give the desired outputs to the upper level management. This gives the best match of the employment to the workers if they are desired to work. They tend to be more productive and more devising the powers of the essentiality. This can trigger an output to be leveled in a way that they can give the most out of them. The construction management helps the lower level managers and other employees to prevail such affinity to their work so that it can give the best results. The management also has a duty to motivate the employees so they can work in every environment. The motivators used for the lower level workers would be the basic pay with addition of some bonuses. But the higher level workers or the initiators require even a little appreciation for work. This also helps in bringing a change in the round of the management circle. Construction is a job which provides employment to most of the people of the lower society which can help them earn the day living. They are paid on the daily working basis. This can also become the motivation for those people too. The construction management has to work collectively so a working condition depending upon the sole motivators prevails. This can also be a reason to have the necessary conditions for the construction work.